Weim lives matter!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fiona's Fabulous Family

Yesterday Fiona moved to New Jersey.  This has been quite a journey for a young Weim who started out in Northwestern Ohio, moved to Western Pennsylvania for a month or so and now goes to her forever home in New Jersey!

It was a very rainy trip and even the meeting of the new family was a wet occasion, but no one seemed to mind the dreary weather as the thought of meeting Fiona and getting her to her new home kept everyone's spirits up.

Fiona shares her home with two adults and their children, as well as her new canine sister Charly, a three-year-old Viszla.  Here's a couple photos of Fiona with her new family before they headed out for home:

Wishing Fiona and her new family a very happy life together and many years of companionship and good health!

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