Weim lives matter!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

An Update on Tonka

It's been about 10 days since I posted about Tonka and that's because there hasn't been much to say.  Since Tonka has been sick I've kept him at home to keep him from spreading his cold to other dogs and to make sure he's not stressed and has a chance to get over his sniffles and sneezing.  Although he's been on antibiotics over 10 days he still has a bit of congestion and is still sneezing.

Monday I took Tonka to see our vet to get more medicine to make sure we wipe out whatever is going on with him.  This was his first trip anywhere for over a week and it was fun to have him out and about.

He showed no fear of anything at the vet's office and there was no shyness as he met each of the staff members at the office.  Tonka carried his tug toy into the office from the car and I played with him while we waited for the vet to come to examine him.

The visit with the vet went very well, as we found that Tonka's congestion is not deep in his chest or lungs, but it's more in his nose, so I'm hoping that means it won't be long until his sniffles go away.  His temp was normal and his suture from his neuter surgery was looking good.  He got his nails clipped and his ears looked at and did very well with all the handling by strangers.  Apparently Tonka is eating well, as he has gained 8 pounds in the first two weeks he's been here, he now weighs 28 pounds!

Following the exam both Dr. Gill and the vet tech played fetch and tug with Tonka and I think this visit to the vet ended up being a good experience for this young pup.

Tonka loves toys and loves to play fetch and tug.  He plays and plays and plays until he gets worn out from all the running.  When we take a walk he likes to carry his favorite squeak toy in his mouth, his chicken.  Today he carried his chicken during quite a bit of our afternoon walk and even held it tight in his mouth as he chased butterflies in a field.

This weekend I'm planning to take Tonka out and about more.  I think he needs exposure to new places and chances to meet people so we'll avoid meeting dogs for another week or so, but start finding new places to explore and enjoy.

Hopefully I can get some new photos of Tonka to show how handsome he is and how he is growing up.

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